In Her Hands. Women Sculptors of Surrealism. The catalogue Entre ses mains. Femmes sculptrices du surréalisme delves even deeper into the lives and works of Sonja Ferlov Mancoba, Maria Martins and Isabelle Waldberg. The authors focus on the three protagonists of surrealism and restore their rightful place as pioneers of modernism. In Her Hands. Bildhauerinnen des Surrealismus, edited by Katharina Neuburger and Renate Wiehager for the Bucerius Kunst Forum. Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg.
SURRÉEL. Trois petites histoires surréalistes (SURREAL. Three short surrealist stories). Text by Guitemie Maldonado. Are reproduced, Fruit de fer (Iron construction, 1945-1946) and Monument marin (patined bronze, 1956). Editions Le Minotaur, Paris.
Surrealismus Schweiz,
Sculpture in Switzerland since 1945 (Schweizer Skulptur seit 1945), publisher Snoek. Bilingual edition, German and French, edited by Peter Fischer and the Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau (Switzerland).
Thurgauer Köpfe - Frauen erobern die Kunst (The chiefs of Thurgau - Women conquering art).
Exhibition texts. German edition. 2020 Kunstmuseum Thurgau, Warth (Switzerland).
Surrealismus Schweiz,
Design by Uli Schwinge. Texts by Peter Fischer, Stephan Hauser, Julia Schallberger and Hans-Peter Wittwer and 61 artists biographies (2018, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau (Switzerland)).
SCULPTURE' ELLES. Women sculptors from the 18th century to the present day.,
The catalog was designed as a reference work on the subject. This includes reproductions of all the works presented in the exhibition as well as a dozen essays written by French and foreign specialists in sculpture and women artists. The Slayer (plaster, 1970) is reproduced there. Catalog of the collective exhibition presented at the Museum of the 30s - Espace Paul Landowski in Boulogne-Billancourt (92). May 10 - October 2, 2011. Éditions Somogy/M-A30 - Hardcover - 272 pages – 2011.
Saint-Germain-des-Près. 1945-1950,
texts by Vincent Gille, Vercors and excerpt from Robert Lebel (1971, Le Point d'être, "I.W. à l'entrée ou à la sortie de son palais de la mémoire") ('Isabelle Waldberg At The Entrance Or The Exit of Her Memory Palace') for the part dedicated to monographs on artists, writers, poets …,
Pavillon des Arts, Paris-Musées, Paris.
L'Aventure surréaliste autour d'André Breton, text by José Pierre,
Artcurial/Filipacchi, Paris.
2 reproductions I.W.
La Part des femmes dans l'Art contemporain,
text by Raoul-Jean Moulin "Artistes femmes de notre temps ou la relève des muses" and excerpt from the text which Hubert Juin wrote in 1964 for Jacqueline Ranson's exhibition,
Galerie Municipale, Vitry-sur-Seine.
A.R.C. 1973-1983,
text by Suzanne Pagé (on the anniversary of the A.R.C.),
A.R.C. /Editions des Amis du Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.
20 ans de Prix Bourdelle. 1959-1979,
text by Michel Dufet,
Musée Bourdelle/Les Presses Artistiques, Paris.
2 reproductions by I.W.
L'altra metà dell'avanguardia. 1910-1940, Pittrici e scultrici nei movimenti delle avanguardie storiche,
text by Lea Vergine and letter from Giovanni Lista à Lea Vergine,
Palais Royal, Gabriele Mazzotta Editore, Milan.
4 reproductions by I.W.
Sculptures d'elles-fleurs et au-delà,
preface by Antoine Castro, texts on the theme of death,
Galerie Municipale, Ivry-sur-Seine.
3 reproductions by I.W.
XXXIIe Salon de Mai,
text by Gaston Diehl and tribute to Max Ernst, cover designed by Isabelle Waldberg (original watercolor)
Galerie La défense, Paris-La Défense.
texts by Suzanne Pagé and Françoise Chatel,
Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, A.R.C., Paris.
25 manières d'être (ou ne pas être) surréaliste,
preface by José Pierre,
Galerie Jean Prud'homme Bené/Editions Publicolor.
1 reproduction by I.W.
Der Surrealismus,
text by Patrick Waldberg,
Haus der Kunst, Münich.
Le Surréalisme,
text by Patrick Waldberg,
Musée des Arts décoratifs, Paris.
1 reproduction by I.W.
Polychromie à travers les âges et les civilisations,
Exhibition on Rhodia Dufet-Bourdelle's inititative,
Musée Bourdelle/Les Presses Artistiques, Paris.
1 reproduction by I.W.
XIe Salon Grands et Jeunes d'aujourd'hui,
preface by Marylène Denoval (who invited the Donner critics to view in order to put the exhibition together), texts by Gérald Gassiot-Talabot, Jean-Clarence Lambert, Jean-Jacques Lévêque, Raoul-Jean Moulin, José Pierre, Pierre Restany,
Les Presses Chantelard, Pavillon Baltard, Paris.
Depuis Rodin,
texts by Jean Chastang, Jean Rudel, Ionel Jianou and René Drouin,
Musée Municipal, 1969, Saint-Germain-en-Laye.
prepared by Claude Givaudan (presented in the form of a box),
Editions Claude Givaudan, Genève et imprimerie Union, France.
Un Groupe 1965,
preface by René Héron de Villefosse and Foreword by André Chastel, exhibition catalogue of the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris.
1 reproduction by I.W.
Hubert Juin,
Galerie Jacqueline Ranson, Cinéma du Ranelagh, Paris.
Actualité de la Sculpture,
preface by Denys Chevalier, Simone Frigerio, Gérald Gassiot-Talabot and Pierre Guéguen,
Galerie Creuze/S.P.I. imprimeur, Paris.
1 reproduction by I.W.
Sculpture Contemporaine,
text by René de Solier,
Musée Maison de la Culture/Les Presses de la Ruche, Le Havre.
Exposition internationale du Petit Bronze, by Gualtiero Busato, the exhibition pays tribute to Julio Gonzáles, texts by Jean Bouret and by Denys Chevalier, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris/Imprimerie Priester, Paris.
1 reproduction by I.W.
XIVe Salon des Réalités Nouvelles,
text by Robert Fontené
Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris.
Sculpture française contemporaine et de l'Ecole de Paris,
text by Raymond Cogniat
Musée Rodin/Les Presses artistiques, Paris.
Hommage de la Sculpture à Brancusi and Prix Emile de Coninck,
texts by Georges A. Salles and Jean Cassou are the speeches given at Brancusi's funeral, article by Henri-Pierre Roché,
Galerie Verneuil, Paris.
1 reproduction by I.W.
Exposition internationale de la Sculpture Contemporaine,
"Suisse" text by Pierre Courthion,
Musée Rodin, Paris.
text by Arnold Rüdlinger, director of the Bern Kunsthalle,
Kunsthalle, Bern.
Surrealistische Malerei in Europa, Peinture surréaliste en Europe,
preface by André Breton: "Trait d'Union",
Saarland Museum, Sarrebrück.
Premier Salon de la Jeune Sculpture,
texts by Jean Cassou, Denys Chevalier and Pierre Descargues,
Musée Rodin, Paris.
Le Surréalisme en 1947. Exhibition of Surrealism, introduced by André Breton and Marcel Duchamp, texts by André Breton: "Devant le rideau" et "Projet initial".
Galerie Maeght, Paris.
2 reproductions by I.W.
Color and Space in Modern Art since 1900,
texts by Mortimer Brandt, Robert Lebel and Walter Pach, Mortimer Brandt Gallery, New York, 1947.